
Mostrando postagens de novembro, 2014

The theater gastronomy. - O teatro da gastronomia.

Watching shows and eating are two activities that match well. Is not so much that today we walk together in the halls of the nobility, stadiums and venues. The owners of the complex cuisine Plataea Madrid , the Spanish capital, transformed this relationship into architecture. Reform from EUR 60 million to convert the former nightclub and cinema Carlos III in a temple of foodies. The space brings together two dozen restaurants, bars, food shops selected and even a florist. Ramón Freixa, awarded two stars in the Michelin Guide, opens Arriba, a space on the first floor with footprint bistro. Alejandro Montes runs the candy store Mamá Framboise. Other highlights are the five institutions led by the trio of chefs Marcos Morán, Paco Roncero and Pepe Solla, recognized with national awards in Spain. There are still houses devoted to Italian, Japanese, Mexican and Peruvian cuisines. And no shortage of space for cookery shows, live music and performances by dancers of flying. The architect Lá

More space for children. - Mais espaço para as crianças.


Móveis Paineira chellenge with architect Franciele Pavan. - Desafio Móveis Paineira com a Arquiteta Franciele Pavan.

Every month, Móveis Paineira has a challenge to his fellow architects and designers, so they assemble a space to showcase the store. This month, the challenge was to Architect and Interior Designer Franciele Pavan . The result was a beautiful and welcoming lounge bar! Follow below! Todo mês, a Móveis Paineira tem um desafio lançado à seus companheiros Arquitetos e Designers, para que eles montem um espaço de mostruário na loja.  Esse mês, o desafio foi para a Arquiteta e Designer de Interiores Franciele Pavan . O resultado foi um bar lounge lindo e receptivo! Acompanhe a seguir!

Ferrari building. - Prédio da Ferrari.
